Prospective Student

Art & Design

Purpose of the Program

The main purpose of the program is; To understand and synthesize the disciplines obtained through the art, culture and design components included in its content, and to explain the phenomenon of art and design to candidates who want to improve themselves, both theoretically and practically, in line with the basic principles of the academy. This program is conducted face-to-face, encouraging students to interact with faculty members and researchers within the scope of the curriculum.


Today, with the changing social and technological conditions, artists and designers have taken on new responsibilities; They have become innovative, curious, researching, questioning, criticizing and producing people. Program; It aims to train expert designers and artists who can conduct in-depth research, question, criticize, and produce new projects in the field of art and design within the framework of the researched theories.


Art and Design education is gaining importance day by day. In order to develop the market aspect of art and design; There is a need for professionals who have the ability to make artistic or design production, follow innovative methods in the field of art and design, and have the ability to use technology and digital platforms in this sense. There is a need for artists and designers who are competent in the field of art and design and who are educated in both production and theoretical aspects, both in the academic field and in the market field. In this respect, this gap is felt not only in Turkey but also in Cyprus.

The art and design master’s program aims to raise candidates who can conduct in-depth research, question, criticize and research, as well as train expert artists and designers who produce new projects in the field of art and design with the learned theories.

Program Description

Those who follow the problems/topics specific to the Art and Design Master’s program in detail and carefully, who can propose new and original solutions to the problems of the field, who can address and discuss the issues and problems of the field from a different and deep perspective, who closely follow the developments in the field of design, who have artistic originality and It involves training experts to produce products that involve high levels of creativity.

Registration and Admission Conditions

Candidate student application for the proposed program, Academic Staff and Graduate
It is accepted according to the Education Entrance Examination (ALES) results and undergraduate success level.
ALES score and score type are decided by the Institute Board of Directors upon the recommendation of the Department. It is anticipated that candidates who want to apply to the recommended program must meet the following conditions.

Having a bachelor’s degree from one of the higher education institutions that provide at least four years of undergraduate education within the country or abroad, (Those who have graduated from a bachelor’s degree program other than the fields of art and design, if they enroll in the Art and Design Master’s Program, will receive a bachelor’s degree in the field of art and design determined by the department). They must take five undergraduate courses as bridge (adaptation) courses.

Having an undergraduate program graduation average of at least 2.00/4.00,

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate from the program, they must take at least 7 courses of 21 credits (at least two of them must be departmental courses), a “Seminar” course, a “Research Methods and Scientific Ethics” course and have successfully defended their thesis.

They must be successful in all courses with at least a CB degree, have received at least 120 ECTS credits and have a Weighted GPA of at least 2.50/4.00. Students who complete their courses and move on to the thesis stage are required to choose the “Specialization Field Course” and “Master’s Thesis” courses opened by the advisor faculty members every semester until they graduate.

Employment Opportunities:

Graduates of the Art and Design Master’s Program can work on art and design by taking part in professional projects. Graduates of the Art and Design Master’s Program can serve in management and design units in the following sectors as individuals with artistically creative characteristics.

Animation companies
Photo studios
Advertising agencies
Art centers
Technology companies
Television channels
Architectural Projects

In addition, graduates can continue their working lives as academics.

Department Information

Academic Staff


Ders koduDers AdıTeorik ders saati/ haftaLab SaatiKrediAKTS
Ders koduDers AdıTeorik ders saati/ haftaLab SaatiKrediAKTS
SNT501Modern Düşünce Biçimleri ve Sanat3138
SNT503Sanat Eleştirisi1338
SOSY 501Bilimsel Araştırma Teknikleri ve Yayın Etiği3038
SNT517Disiplinler Arası Sanat Atölyesi
SNT518Seminer (derslerin tamamlanacağı yarıyıl alınır)0007
XXXSeçmeli Ders2237
XXXSeçmeli Ders2237
XXXSeçmeli Ders2237
SNT590Tez I-Tez II00030+30:60
Alan Dersleri
MED102MED 102 Temel Sanat Eğitimi6
MED112MED 112 Temel Tasarım6
MED141MED141 Sanat ve Kültür Tarihi3
MED241MED241 Çağdaş Sanat Kuramları3
Teknik Seçmeli Derslerin Listesi
açıldığı dönemDERS KODUDERS ADI
SNT521Atölye Olarak Kent
SPRING 21SNT522Tasarımda Yeni Kurgular, Yeni Stratejiler(AlpKaraca)
SPRING 21SNT524Kamusal Alan ve Güncel Sanat Pratikleri(BuğuŞah)
SNT525Renk Sanatı
SNT527Görsel Sanat Uygulamaları
SNT528Malzeme- Biçim İlişkileri
SNT529Dijital Fotoğraf ve Video Teknikleri
SNT530Sanat ve Teorisi
SNT531Nesne Olarak Heykel
SNT532Görsel Kültür ve Fotoğraf Sanatı
SNT533Sinema ve Sanat
SNT534Çağdaş Sanat Akımları ve Uygulamaları
SNT535Tasarımda Yaratıcı Düşünce
Güz2021-22SNT536Toplumsal Bellekpelinagocuk
SNT537Teknoloji ve Görüntü Estetiği
SNT538Seramik Form ve Kültürel İzler
SNT539Siber Kültür ve Görsel Sanatlar
SNT540Dijital Dönüşüm ve Sanat
SNT541İç Mekan Tasarımında Renk, Doku ve Tekstil
bhr 21-22SNT542Yerel Mimarimesutayan
SNT543Kamusal Alan ve Güncel Sanat Pratikleri
SNT544Tasarımda Yeni Kurgular, Yeni Stratejiler
Ders koduDers AdıTeorik ders saati/ haftaLab SaatiKrediAKTS
Ders koduDers AdıTeorik ders saati/ HaftaLab SaatiKrediAKTS
SNT 501Modern Düşünce Biçimleri ve Sanat3138
SNT 503Sanat Eleştirisi1338
SOSY 501Bilimsel Araştırma Teknikleri ve Yayın Etiği3037
SNT 514Uzmanlık Alan Dersi1338
SNT 517Disiplinlerarası Sanat Atölyesi0338
xxxSeçmeli Ders2238
xxxSeçmeli Ders2237
xxxSeçmeli Ders2237
xxxSeçmeli Ders2237
xxxSeçmeli Ders2237
SNT520Bitirme Projesi03060
Alan Dersleri
MED102MED 102 Temel Sanat Eğitimi
MED112MED 112 Temel Tasarım
MED141MED141 Sanat ve Kültür Tarihi
MED241MED241 Çağdaş Sanat Kuramları
Teknik Seçmeli Derslerin Listesi
açıldığı dönemDERS KODUDERS ADI
SNT521Atölye Olarak Kent
SPRING 21SNT522Tasarımda Yeni Kurgular, Yeni Stratejiler(AlpKaraca)
SPRING 21SNT524Kamusal Alan ve Güncel Sanat Pratikleri(BuğuŞah)
SNT525Renk Sanatı
SNT527Görsel Sanat Uygulamaları
SNT528Malzeme- Biçim İlişkileri
SNT529Dijital Fotoğraf ve Video Teknikleri
SNT530Sanat ve Teorisi
SNT531Nesne Olarak Heykel
SNT532Görsel Kültür ve Fotoğraf Sanatı
SNT533Sinema ve Sanat
SNT534Çağdaş Sanat Akımları ve Uygulamaları
SNT535Tasarımda Yaratıcı Düşünce
Güz2021-22SNT536Toplumsal Bellekpelinagocuk
SNT537Teknoloji ve Görüntü Estetiği
SNT538Seramik Form ve Kültürel İzler
SNT539Siber Kültür ve Görsel Sanatlar
SNT540Dijital Dönüşüm ve Sanat
SNT541İç Mekan Tasarımında Renk, Doku ve Tekstil
SNT542Yerel Mimari