Prospective Student

Ethics Committee

Dear Researcher

Please make sure that the following issues are fulfilled for the Ethics Committee Compliance application for scientific studies planned to be carried out within the American University of Cyprus;

1. Petition addressed to the Ethics Committee of the Rectorate of the American University of Cyprus (see forms-student/faculty member),
2. Completing the Ethics Committee application form (see forms-application form) completely and correctly
3. Draft of the study to be conducted (Problem statement, Purpose of the study-hypothesis/research question, assumptions/sub-problems, limitations, definitions-, Importance of the study, Method of the study-scale/technique, case study/sample, data collection, data analysis-) (see forms-draft)
4. Attach the informed consent forms (see forms – consent form) prepared for the participants to the application form
5. Original version of the questionnaire/scale planned to be used in the study
6. Letter of permission (if any) to use the questionnaire/scale planned to be used in the study
7. Curriculum vitae of the researcher

The documents required for the application should be prepared in full and sent to the relevant e-mail addresses as a word file and one physical copy should be filed and submitted to the American University of Cyprus Ethics Committee.

Chairman of the Ethics Committee

Prof. Dr. Tutku Akter GÖKAŞAN